Day 9: Perpendicular bisector Foldable


We started the class by tracking their pretest scores. This was the first time students had seen standards based grading. There were questions, but they figured it out and were sold on it pretty quickly. It was MUCH easier to explain the grading system to them after I gave them pack their pretests. In the past I have tried explaining it before they took an assessment and I just got blank stares. When they saw it, they got it.

On the back of the learning target tracking sheet, I put a rubric of what each score means (1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4) and what their next steps should be at each level so that they can refer to it easily. I encouraged them to read the rubric and argue with me if they felt their grade was not accurate for a particular skill. I emphasized that they had to CONVINCE me that they mastered the skill, and not just have a correct answer. It was a great way for them to understand their role in SBG, the rubric, etc before it counts on their grade. The pretest was like an assessment dress rehearsal. After the next assessment, when it counts, Ill get to show them my awesome Reassessment Request Google Form. I really am dying to get this baby in use. It is much better then last years thanks to Jaime Rykse’s explanation of how to get it to be sent as an email. Is it sad that I cannot wait to start getting emails requesting reassessment? It really is a beautiful system!


Hexeter 1 pretest

My school, being an alternative school uses hexter’s instead of semesters. I plan to give a pretest at the start of each hexter primarily to see what content I can skip, and to what content I need to dedicate a lot of time. I’m not very proud of my pretest, but It has been requested, so I will post it. I’m already kicking myself for not making a higher quality one over the summer, but this is a new school for me & I wanted to be able to adapt to the kids as I figure out how they operate.

Learning Target Tracking Sheet & Overall Grade Tracking

I have had long debates about the bast way to have students track their progress on learning targets. This is what I ended up with. I wish there was a place for them to set a goal, but I think i’m going to make a separate overall average tracking sheet with a place for goal setting. It’s not perfect, but I’ll start with this and tweak it in the future.

You can download an editable version of this here.

[update 8/1/14: here is a few examples of LT tracking sheets filled out by students:]



Learners keep this in their binder and update their scores after each assessment.

I copy this on the back of the tracking sheet:


Day 4: Planning for the first day

For some reason, I am much less concerned about the first day this school year. Maybe its because i’m more confident in my teaching. Maybe its because I know I just need to get students working and listen to them to learn who they are and what they need before I plan too much. Maybe I just a little burned out. regardless, on the first day with kids (Monday) I get 1 hour with my puma period (homeroom) and 15 minutes with each of my other classes. So I’m going to do the spaghetti tower with my Puma period so that I can get to know this group and get them thinking & team building. For the other classes, 15 minutes is hard…too long & too short. I considered doing 4 4’s but I want to force students to talk to each other. I’m going with Dan Meyer’s personality coordinates, this way I can make them think a little, talk to each other & maybe do a “ticket out” to see what questions they have for me. I plan to and write them responses so that they feel welcomed in my class. Since the max class size is 15, this shouldn’t take too long. I also finished making curriculum maps and my pathetic attempt at my 1st unit UbD’s for both Geometry & Consumer Math. This weekend I need to plan the first part of their INB’s.


Day 3: Cave of the Winds – bonding

cave winds
The staff all met at cave of the winds today to share out values and priorities. The staff seems very positive and supportive. The principal talked to us about “15 fixes for broken grades” which is a good start! He is very supportive of standards based grading & told me he would pay for me to use Active Grade! I am hoping this school year goes well. I should probobly do some work to prepare for student on Monday. My room is still a mess & I have no plans yet.