Similarity Transformations for Interactive Notes

I haven’t blogged in a while, primarily because I don’t feel like I have anything that I am comfortable enough to share and describe completely. I feel like I only barely know what I am doing, but I am having a blast! I noticed that if I go a long time without blogging, I begin to feel more isolated in my teaching, so here I am back at it!

I haven’t taught similarity through transformations before, but am determined to try it this year. My biggest problem is figuring out what level of detail / quality is acceptable as a response. Can students say “Rotate around point X until A coincides with A’ “? Is this enough? or should they say “Rotate 132 degrees counter clockwise around point X”? Are both OK?

I have found some help understanding the depth & breadth of this content though the Engage NY Geometry curriculum. I decided to allow myself to rely heavily in it for this unit.  I adapted their similarity transformation lesson to an Interactive notebook page and a problem set. Please take it & let me know how I can improve it. I’ll update this post after teaching it so I can reflect on how in went with the hope of improving it next year. I used the INB page format shared by Sarah Rubin.

Here is the Foldable:

Here is the Left Hand Side Practice / formative assessment – could also be an exit ticket

I plan to follow this lesson with the problem set included by Engage NY in the lesson linked above: