Surface Area Interactive Notes

I gave this sheet to students and had them cut out the nets and use a ruler to measure and calculate the area of each face.

Then we folded on the dashed lines and taped only 1 face into our Interactive notes, adding any additional information next to the net.

This is one of my favorite notebook pages because students refer back to it often to help them visualize all of the faces of 3-d solids in later practice.

2015-03-18 16.11.54 2015-03-18 16.12.10 2015-03-18 16.12.16 2015-03-18 16.12.42 2015-03-18 16.12.55 2015-03-18 16.13.01  2015-03-18 16.13.44

7 thoughts on “Surface Area Interactive Notes

  1. I’m going to use this with my 9th-10th graders. They need to see and touch these shapes and building them on their own (with measurements!) will be invaluable! thanks!

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